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The student newspaper of Ossining High School

The Current

The student newspaper of Ossining High School

The Current

The student newspaper of Ossining High School

The Current

Paris Attacks Still Reverberate

Paris Attacks Still Reverberate

Sri Polkampally, Staff Writer December 22, 2015

The violence that terrorized Paris shook the world. On the evening of November 13, thousands of Paris residents and tourists were bustling on the streets and the soccer match between France and world champion...

Holiday Hiatus; Is it Really a Break?

Holiday Hiatus; Is it Really a Break?

Somari Davis, Opinion’s Editor December 17, 2015

Every school year no matter what holiday break or extended weekend, students receive homework. Whether it is in math, science, or English class there is always homework. But, the matter in question is...

There are several characteristics that comprise a good teacher.

What Makes A Good Teacher?

Malahni Banta, Staff Writer March 26, 2015

I have always believed in the power of words.  Children are not taught to distinguish the difference between ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ by being read a description of the two adjectives. Instead, they...

Marshawn Lynch has taken advantage of the NFL's commercialization with his "Beast Mode" Brand

Has the Super Bowl Become Over-Commercialized?

Diana Kennedy, Staff Writer February 26, 2015

Since the first broadcast of the Super Bowl in 1967, the ‘Big Game’ has become a huge part of American culture. Making it to the Super Bowl is every NFL player’s dream, but a lot has changed since...

A Chicago protest vilifying the prevalence of standardized tests.

Are Standardized Tests a Fair Indicator of Intelligence?

Somari Davis, Staff Writer February 26, 2015

Standardized tests have been the arbiter of intelligence for a long time. Each year, students are essentially forced into preparing for these exams, whether it be for Math, English, or Science. These...

Is the American Dream Attainable?

Somari Davis, Morgan Finkeldey, and Paola Sosa January 24, 2015

No, the American Dream is unattainable. For many years, the United States has been known for its seemingly endless opportunity. One of its most popular and appealing prospects has been the American...

The school dress code has been a highly contentious issue recently.

Should the School Really Care About What We Wear?

Diana Kennedy, Staff Writer November 20, 2014

School dress codes have always been a very controversial issue among students, but even more so with teenage girls. Most criticism directed toward the school dress code is that it is sexist to determine...

A burial team from the Liberian Ministry of Health unloads the bodies of Ebola

Ebola: What’s Really Going On?

Somari Davis, Staff Writer October 23, 2014

Ebola: an infectious disease brought on by fever and internal bleeding spread through contact with body fluids by the filovirus (Ebola virus). Also, known as the most commercialized illness as of recently....

Gay Rights activists protesting outside of the Supreme Court.

Is Gay Okay For All 50 States?

Randall Gleason, Staff Writer October 23, 2014

On May 18th, 1970, Richard John Baker and James Michael McConnell were rejected the right to marriage, due to their sex. Ever since then, the debate regarding whether or not gay marriage should be legal...

A brief summary of the modernist argument for assisted suicide: complete and utter individual and moral autonomy.

Assisted Suicide: What Really Matters?

Lior Raz-Farley, Staff Writer October 23, 2014

The widespread contentiousness concerning assisted suicide is essentially just a conflict of dignity and painlessness vs. morality and law. However in hospitals, it should be more about the patient’s...

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