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The student newspaper of Ossining High School

The Current

The student newspaper of Ossining High School

The Current

The student newspaper of Ossining High School

The Current

Down with the Patriarchy

Women’s History Month Photo Competition: Winning Submissions

June 3, 2021

In recognition of Women's History Month, The Current held a photo contest and challenged OHS students to capture images of inspirational women in their lives. Congratulations to senior Leila Kilion and...

Her head held high.

Black History Month Photo Competition: Winning Submissions

June 3, 2021

In recognition of Black History Month, The Current held a photo contest and challenged the students of OHS to honor the Black community through their photography. Congratulations to senior Megan Spedaliere...

Signs of Love on Underhill Road - Ella Castrillon, Grade 9

The Month of Love!

Ella Castrillon and Daisy Bolger February 28, 2021

Today, Valentine's Day goes beyond its surface-level meaning. Acceptance, unity, respect, and self-love have become modern, core values of the holiday, and are now widely celebrated. The Current's photographers...

A different perspective - Daisy Bolger, Grade 11

New Year, New Me: Starting Fresh After 2020

Jessica Sabau and Daisy Bolger February 19, 2021

A revolution for social equality, a historic presidential election, and a pandemic: 2020 was no joke. After a year of chaos and unpredictability, students at OHS find ways to ring in a new start, as displayed...

Daisy Bolger, Grade 11

‘Tis the Season: The Holidays in COVID-19

Daisy Bolger, Katelyn Wasilenko, and Jessica Sabau February 1, 2021

Despite COVID's tight grasp on 2020, the holiday spirit has found ways to penetrate through the darkness and light up homes around Ossining. In December, The Current's photographers documented the joy...

Katelyn Wasilenko

Historical Ossining: History Around Town

Daisy Bolger, Katelyn Wasilenko, and Jessica Sabau December 29, 2020

With its century-old buildings and rich cultural background, Ossining’s colorful history can be seen all over town. As one of the oldest villages in Westchester, Ossining's character and diversity defines...

Power to the People: Election Season in Ossining

Power to the People: Election Season in Ossining

2020 has been a year to remember, and is coming to a close with a bang. After four years of division, Americans have counted down the days to November 3rd. The frenzy surrounding election season is impossible...

Daisy Bolger, Grade 11

School Through a Screen: A Back to School Photo Essay

With the ongoing consequences of COVID-19, the layers of chaos and conflict from the highest powers of American society mask the everyday effects of a global pandemic. By sifting through a continuous flow...

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