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The student newspaper of Ossining High School

The Current

The student newspaper of Ossining High School

The Current

The student newspaper of Ossining High School

The Current

Chioma Uruakpa

Chioma Uruakpa, Layout Editor

Chioma Uruakpa is a sophomore by grade, but a middle aged comedienne by heart. She currently serves as 1/2 of the layout editor crew for The Current. She loves Jimmy Fallon and all things comedy, and is slightly capricious. Chioma loves to read, talk about her feelings and tell people not to touch her hair. This is her first year serving on The Current, and she hopes to be an active member of this prestigious institution for years to come.

All content by Chioma Uruakpa
Can Bill Cosby's career rebound from this controversy?

The Plight of the Pudding Pop Man

Chioma Uruakpa, Layout Editor
December 18, 2014
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