What Makes A Good Teacher?

There are several characteristics that comprise a good teacher.


There are several characteristics that comprise a good teacher.

Malahni Banta, Staff Writer

I have always believed in the power of words. 

Children are not taught to distinguish the difference between ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ by being read a description of the two adjectives. Instead, they are taught to distinguish the two first-hand, through interactions, reactions, and experiences.

An individual who is taught, and an individual who is educated, makes all the difference in this world, especially considering that in a day and age where American children are being taught for the sake of passing tests, a teacher who teaches the bare necessities as well as things not necessarily ‘needed’ in the workforce is one to cherish and celebrate.

There is a difference between a teacher and an educator.

We live in a world of differences- of polar opposites and transitional states, ones which are only ignored and downplayed through standardized testing and exams. Children are not taught for the sake of owning knowledge, something that can never be taken away from them, but for the sake of passing said tests, and moving on to adulthood with little to know true experience or knowledge.

A good teacher is one who teaches how to pass tests, how to thrive in life while being able to compute numbers or analyze works or whatever it is that is being asked of us, but who also teaches them things that aren’t necessarily going to be on any given test. Too much of an emphasis is placed on textbooks, and applying that information to experiences and events we have not been faced with in high school. We’re expected to go from child to adult based on readings, worksheets, and lectures.

Good teachers are the ones who see to it that each of his or her student knows their worth and their potential, and doesn’t allow grades to dilute their view of them.

Good teachers go over things again and again until it clicks in the minds of not most, but all of their students.

Good teachers teach for the sake of their students, and not for the sake of a paycheck.

Good teachers stay after school late to help out struggling students.

Good teachers are educators, and are the ones who are shaping our future scientists, authors, artists, doctors, and, perhaps, even more good teachers.