A Quick Summary of some of the Presidential Candidates for 2016

Elliott Reichman, News Editor

The 2016 presidential election has garnered quite a lot of attention from the media. Before you make a final decision about who you want to be president just based on how they act on real life, everyone should take a moment to look at their views. I can’t highlight all of the candidates, since their are so many, so I will do the top 3 in the polls for each party. As it stands, that means Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump, Jeb Bush, and Scott Walker. The democrats don’t have a clear candidate who can compete with Clinton and Sanders, so I’m not including Jim Webb, who is trailing Clinton and Sanders in the polls by 73%.


Hillary Clinton(D):


  • Supports ObamaCare
  • Supports the legalization of Marijuana, but for medical use only
  • Supports Medicaid


  • Supports the adoption of Common Core national educational standards
  • Supports increasing taxes on the rich in order to reduce interest rates for student loans


  • Is pro-choice on abortion
  • Supports the legalization of same sex marriage
  • Believes that a business, based on religious beliefs, should not be able to deny service to a customer

Domestic Policy

  • Supports increased gun control
  • Believes that every person purchasing a gun be required to pass a criminal and public safety background check


  • Believes that able-bodied, mentally capable adults who receive welfare be required to work
  • Believes that employers must be required to pay men and women, who perform the same work, the same salary, and should be required to publish their salary ranges for each position



  • Believes that illegal immigrants should be given access to government-subsidized healthcare, and should be granted citizenship
  • Supports stronger measures to increase border security

Foreign Policy

  • Believes that foreign terrorism suspects be given constitutional rights, a fair trial, and that Guantanamo Bay be shut down
  • Believes the government should decrease military spending
  • Believes that the US shouldn’t formally declare war on ISIS

The Environment

  • Believes that the government should increase environmental regulations to prevent global warming, and should provide incentives for alternative energy production
  • Doesn’t support the use of hydraulic fracking to extract oil and natural gas resources, and believes we should pursue more sustainable energy sources instead


Bernie Sanders(D):



  • Supports ObamaCare, but thinks a mandatory single payer system would be even better
  • Supports the legalization of Marijuana, and believes that we should free all citizens charged with drug offenses
  • Supports Medicaid, but prefers a single payer healthcare system


  • Doesn’t supports the adoption of Common Core national educational standards, and believes we should teach to each student’s potential rather than uniform teaching
  • Supports increasing taxes on the rich in order to reduce interest rates for student loans, and wants to increase public funding so that every student can receive a free college education


  • Is pro-choice on abortion
  • Supports the legalization of same sex marriage
  • Believes that a business, based on religious beliefs, should not be able to deny service to a customer

Domestic Policy

  • Supports increased gun control, and that strict background checks, psychological testing, training to be able to purchase a gun
  • Believes that every person purchasing a gun be required to pass a criminal and public safety background check



  • Believes that able-bodied, mentally capable adults who receive welfare not be required to work, and that “workfare” is a form of slave labor
  • Believes that employers must be required to pay men and women, who perform the same work, the same salary
  • Does not believe that all welfare recipients should be tested for drugs, and says it would be a waste of time and money



  • Believes that illegal immigrants should be given access to government-subsidized healthcare, and should be granted citizenship
  • Doesn’t support stronger measures to increase border security
  • Does not believe that immigrants should be required to learn English, and believes that America has and always will be a melting pot of diversity

Foreign Policy

  • Believes that foreign terrorism suspects be given constitutional rights, and fair trial, just like US citizens
  • Believes the government should decrease military spending
  • Believes that the US shouldn’t formally declare war on ISIS, and believes that we should stay out of middle eastern conflicts

The Environment

  • Believes that the government should increase environmental regulations to prevent global warming, and should provide incentives for alternative energy production
  • Believes that the National Parks should continue to be protected and preserved by the federal government, and that the government should have more domain to protect even more land
  • Doesn’t support the use of hydraulic fracking to extract oil and natural gas resources


Donald Trump(R):



  • Doesn’t support ObamaCare, and wants to open the markets so insurers can compete and drive costs down
  • Supports the legalization of Marijuana
  • Supports Medicaid


  • Doesn’t support the adoption of Common Core national educational standards
  • Doesn’t support increasing taxes on the rich in order to reduce interest rates for student loans


  • Is pro-life on abortion
  • Doesn’t support the legalization of same sex marriage, and believes that marriage should be between a woman and a man
  • Believes that a business, based on religious beliefs, should  be able to deny service to a customer

Domestic Policy

  • Doesn’t support increased gun control
  • Believes that every person purchasing a gun be required to pass a criminal and public safety background check


  • Believes that able-bodied, mentally capable adults who receive welfare be required to work, and that adults who receive government benefits should be required to work
  • Believes that all welfare recipients should be tested for drugs


  • Doesn’t believe that illegal immigrants should be given access to government-subsidized healthcare, and should be granted citizenship
  • Supports stronger measures to increase border security

Foreign Policy

  • Believes that foreign terrorism suspects not be given constitutional rights, since they aren’t US citizens, and should be subjected to enhanced interrogation methods
  • Believes the government should increase military spending
  • Believes that the US should formally declare war on ISIS

The Environment

  • Doesn’t believe that the government should increase environmental regulations to prevent global warming, since global warming is a natural occurrence
  • Believes that the National Parks should continue to be protected and preserved by the federal government, and should allow more public access
  • Supports the use of hydraulic fracking to extract oil and natural gas resources

Jeb Bush(R):


  • Doesn’t support ObamaCare
  • Doesn’t support the legalization of Marijuana, but for medical use only
  • Doesn’t support Medicaid


  • Doesn’t support the adoption of Common Core national educational standards, and believes that education should be handled at a state/local level rather than the government
  • Doesn’t support increasing taxes on the rich in order to reduce interest rates for student loans


  • Is pro-life on abortion
  • Doesn’t support the legalization of same sex marriage
  • Believes that a business, based on religious beliefs, should be able to deny service to a customer, just as any other business

Domestic Policy

  • Doesn’t support increased gun control, and believes that states need to pass, “stand your ground” laws
  • Believes that every person purchasing a gun be required to pass a criminal and public safety background check


  • Believes that able-bodied, mentally capable adults who receive welfare be required to work
  • Doesn’t believe that employers must be required to pay men and women, who perform the same work, the same salary, since there are too many variables such as education, experience, and tenure
  • Believes that all welfare recipients should be tested for drugs


  • Doesn’t believe that illegal immigrants should be given access to government-subsidized healthcare
  • Supports stronger measures to increase border security
  • Believes that  immigrants should be required to learn English

Foreign Policy

  • Believes that foreign terrorism suspects shouldn’t be given constitutional rights, rather that they be tried in military tribunals but not subjected to torture
  • Believes the government should increase military spending
  • Believes that the US should formally declare war on ISIS

The Environment

  • Believes that the government should not increase environmental regulations to prevent global warming, and should provide incentives for alternative energy production
  • Believes that the National Parks should continue to be protected and preserved by the federal government
  • Supports the use of hydraulic fracking to extract oil and natural gas resources, as long as it’s in low populated areas


Scott Walker(R):


  • Doesn’t support ObamaCare, and that the government should not be involved in the medical business
  • Doesn’t support the legalization of Marijuana, and wants to increase penalties for all non-violent drug offenders
  • Doesn’t support Medicaid


  • Doesn’t support the adoption of Common Core national educational standards, and believes that education should be handled at a state/local level rather than the government


  • Is pro-life on abortion
  • Doesn’t support the legalization of same sex marriage
  • Believes that a business, based on religious beliefs, should be able to deny service to a customer, just like any other business

Domestic Policy

  • Doesn’t support increased gun control
  • Doesn’t believe that every person purchasing a gun be required to pass a criminal and public safety background check, and that background checks are ineffective and a waste of government resources
  • Doesn’t believe there should there be term limits set for members of Congress


  • Believes that able-bodied, mentally capable adults who receive welfare be required to work, and that adults who receive government benefits be required to work
  • Doesn’t believe that employers must be required to pay men and women, who perform the same work, the same salary
  • Believes that all welfare recipients should be tested for drugs, and that benefits should be terminated for anyone testing positive


  • Believes that illegal immigrants should not be given access to government-subsidized healthcare, and that illegal immigrants seeking healthcare should be deported
  • Supports stronger measures to increase border security

Foreign Policy

  • Believes the government should not decrease military spending
  • Believes that the US should formally declare war on ISIS

The Environment

  • Doesn’t believe that the government should increase environmental regulations to prevent global warming, and should provide incentives for alternative energy production
  • Believes that the National Parks should continue to be protected and preserved by the federal government

Supports the use of hydraulic fracking to extract oil and natural gas resources, and believes we should pursue more sustainable energy sources instead